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On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays (Oxford World's Classics) By John Stuart Mill, Mark Philp (Editor), Frederick Rosen (Editor) Cover Image
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How to Keep Your Cool: An Ancient Guide to Anger Management By Seneca, James S. Romm (Translator), James S. Romm (Introduction by) Cover Image
By Seneca, James S. Romm (Translator), James S. Romm (Introduction by)
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A Lot of People Are Saying: The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy By Nancy L. Rosenblum, Russell Muirhead Cover Image
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Eros the Bittersweet: An Essay (Princeton Classics #129) By Anne Carson Cover Image
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How to Be a Friend: An Ancient Guide to True Friendship By Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philip Freeman (Translator), Philip Freeman (Introduction by) Cover Image
By Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philip Freeman (Translator), Philip Freeman (Introduction by)
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The Concept of Anxiety: A Simple Psychologically Oriented Deliberation in View of the Dogmatic Problem of Hereditary Sin By Søren Kierkegaard, Alastair Hannay (Translated by) Cover Image
By Søren Kierkegaard, Alastair Hannay (Translated by)
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God Is Dead. God Remains Dead. And We Have Killed Him. (Penguin Great Ideas) By Friedrich Nietzsche, R. Kevin Hill (Translated by), Michael A. Scarpitti (Translated by) Cover Image
By Friedrich Nietzsche, R. Kevin Hill (Translated by), Michael A. Scarpitti (Translated by)
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Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women By Kate Manne Cover Image
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On Quality: An Inquiry into Excellence: Unpublished and Selected Writings By Robert M. Pirsig, Wendy K. Pirsig Cover Image
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What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets By Michael J. Sandel Cover Image
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Animal Liberation: The Definitive Classic of the Animal Movement By Peter Singer Cover Image
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Seneca: Fifty Letters of a Roman Stoic By Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Margaret Graver (Translated by), A. A. Long (Translated by), Margaret Graver (Introduction by), A. A. Long (Introduction by), Margaret Graver (Commentaries by), A. A. Long (Commentaries by) Cover Image
By Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Margaret Graver (Translated by), A. A. Long (Translated by), Margaret Graver (Introduction by), A. A. Long (Introduction by), Margaret Graver (Commentaries by), A. A. Long (Commentaries by)
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