The Why Wareness Effect (Paperback)

The Why Wareness Effect By Jenny Jackson Cover Image
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Have you ever wondered just how many times we use the word "why" throughout our lifetime? This natural question extends to every area of our lives, and personal development is no exception. Though we may not be aware of it, our why questions provide powerful insights into our mindset, habits, and the decisions we make as we live and breathe. From the moment we are born to the day we leave this earth, we continuously seek answers to our why questions in hopes of better understanding ourselves and the world around us. The questions themselves may vary, but the why remains the same.

Our lives are full of unique and amazing journeys, and some of the events we go through during our life cycle will resonate with every single person we meet. While we may all encounter similar situations in life, not everyone experiences them the same way due to our distinct reactions, emotions, and interpretations of what is happening. No matter the circumstance-be it joy or tragedy, success or failure, love or heartbreak-as curious kitties, we will all benefit from delving into our why questions.

The Whywareness Effect will take you on a personal journey through the many whys we ask ourselves in this beautiful adventure called life. By analyzing these questions and their origins, we will obtain vital clues that will open our minds and enhance our curiosity. As a successful entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and transformational life coach, Jenny Jackson will use her accumulated knowledge and experience to guide you into these important questions. Through sharing many of her why questions and exercising her storytelling prowess, Jenny will enable you to not only understand your own whys but also to take advantage of them, encouraging you to pursue your dreams and advance your personal development.
Product Details
ISBN: 9781774821565
ISBN-10: 1774821567
Publisher: Hasmark Publishing International
Publication Date: May 3rd, 2022
Pages: 284
Language: English